Exploring the nature of unemployment in South Africa: Insights from the Labour Force Survey 2000 (draft paper)

Type Conference Paper - Development Policy Research Unit 2nd annual conference on labour markets and poverty in South Africa
Title Exploring the nature of unemployment in South Africa: Insights from the Labour Force Survey 2000 (draft paper)
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2002
URL https://www.researchgate.net/publication/238488192_Exploring_the_Nature_of_Unemployment_in_South_Afr​ica_Insights_from_the_Labour_Force_Survey_2000
In the context of high and growing unemployment, the temptation to dismiss some of this unemployment as voluntary exists. Much of the debate in the literature surrounding voluntary unemployment in South Africa centres on the discouraged. This paper explores the possibility that some of the searching unemployed may have the opportunity to prolong job search until a ‘suitable’ job is found and so may be seen to choose not to work. The analysis seeks to motivate for changes to the existing Labour Force Survey to permit a more comprehensive study of voluntary unemployment in the future.

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