Allocative efficiency between and within the formal and informal manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe

Type Working Paper - PRISM Working Paper Series
Title Allocative efficiency between and within the formal and informal manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe
Volume 2022-2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2022
URL Working Paper​2022-2-Kamutando.pdf
Resource misallocation has the potential to reduce aggregate total factor productivity and undermine industrial development. These effects can be particularly pronounced in emerging economies where large market frictions impede efficient resource allocation. This paper investigates the extent and nature of resource misallocation between and within the formal and informal manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe. Applying the approach developed by Hsieh & Klenow (2009) to firm-level microdata, the results reveal extensive resource misallocation in both the formal and informal manufacturing sector. Misallocation is more pronounced in informal sector firms and is associated with relatively large capital market distortions. Further, misallocation is more pronounced amongst relatively productive firms, thus exacerbating aggregate losses in total factor productivity (TFP). Estimates indicate that aggregated gains in TFP of 126.7 percent can be realized through efficient resource allocation.

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