Marriage, not religion, is associated with HIV infection among women in rural Malawi

Type Journal Article - AIDS and Behavior
Title Marriage, not religion, is associated with HIV infection among women in rural Malawi
Volume 14
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
Page numbers 125-131
Despite the fact that religious affiliation is almost universal in Malawi, and religious denomination could potentially influence HIV-risk behaviors, limited data exist on its role of in HIV infection in this setting. This study was conducted to assess whether religious denominational affiliation, religiosity or place of residence were associated with sexual behaviors and HIV infection among Christian women. A total of 63 of 939 women with HIV test results (6.7%) were HIV infected. There was no association between religion or frequency of church attendance and HIV infection or condom use within the current or most recent marriage. Compared to women who lived in a village which was neither the husband’s village nor her own village, women living with spouse in her own village or living in a husband’s village were less likely to be HIV infected.

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