Data file | Cases | Variables |
IES 2005-2006 House_Info_v2
This data file contains information on households’ characteristics (Section 3) from the survey questionnaire.
0 | 75 |
IES 2005-2006 Person_Income_v2
This data file contains information on individual income (Section 19) from the survey questionnaire.
0 | 5 |
IES 2005-2006 Person_Income_v2 | 0 | 20 |
IES 2005-2006 Person_Info_v2
This data file contains particulars on each person in household (Flap and part of Section 1).
0 | 32 |
IES 2005-2006 Purchase_Place_v2
This data file contains information on where the household purchase goods (Section 2).
0 | 5 |
IES 2005-2006 Supported_Persons_v2
This data file contains information on non-household members supported by the household (Section 1).
0 | 27 |
IES 2005-2006 Total_v2
This data file contains information on income and expenditure per item per household (Section 4 to 18) from the survey questionnaire.
0 | 10 |