Other Workshops

IPUMS International Census and Survey Microdata Workshop

This free workshop introduced students, researchers, and faculty to the IPUMS International microdata access system. Participants were taught how to find and access harmonized international survey microdata and documentation tailored to their research agenda. The workshop took place in a computing environment and included hands-on exercises to familiarize participants with key features and functions of the IPUMS data access system.  Download the flyer.

Contents included:

- Overview of the IPUMS database
- Data discovery and documentation orientation (interactive)
- Data registration application tips
- Create a custom microdata extract (interactive)
- Tabulator orientation (interactive)
- Statistical analysis demonstration

IPUMS-International is a global partnership of national statistical offices, international organizations, and university researchers. Our goals are to preserve, harmonize, and disseminate confidentialized census data and documentation to qualified researchers worldwide, free of charge. With the May 2017 data release, the database will deliver data from 85 countries and 301 census samples with over 672 million person records available. Included in these totals, are microdata samples from the 2010-round of census taking for 50+ countries. The IPUMS-International project is housed at the IPUMS Center for Data Integration at the University of Minnesota. The project is supported by the United States granting institutions including the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. It is made possible by the generous cooperation of participating National Statistical Offices from around the world.

This workshop was hosted by DataFirst at the University of Cape Town.


SARS Tax Data Research Workshop

In 2014 the National Treasury, SARS and UNU WIDER began a project to facilitate access to SARS administrative tax data for academic researchers. Four projects by University of Cape Town researchers were supported as part of this project. The School of Economics and DataFirst presented a workshop showcasing the UCT research that resulted from the project.

Workshop Outline

9:30:  Welcome and Introduction, Andrew Kerr, DataFirst.

9:35-11:00  Session 1
Amina Ebrahim, School of Economics and SALDRU: The effects of the Employment Tax Incentive on South African employment.
Kezia Lilenstein, DPRU: Firm-level determinants of earnings in the formal sector of the South African labour market.

11:05- 11:30  Tea Break

11:30-13:00  Session 2
Lawrence Edwards, School of Economics: Importing and firm performance.
Andrew Kerr: Worker and job flows in the South African Labour Market.

This workshop was jointly hosted by the School of Economics and DataFirst.