Introduction to Data Analysis using R

This course is an introduction to the R Statistical language, a free open source environment for statistical computing and graphics. You will learn to perform basic data manipulation and descriptive analysis including graphics display. The course is intended for those who want to use R in their day-to-day work for importing external data, manipulating data, performing statistical data analysis and visualisations. No prior experience with R is required but experience handling data and basic knowledge of statistics may be advantageous.

Course Content:

  • Familiarize with the RStudio interface,
  • Basic R operations and functions,
  • Summary statistics and data aggregation,
  • Loading packages and importing external data,
  • Introduction to data manipulation with packages - data.table and dplyr,
  • Introduction to data visualization – base R and ggplot2,
  • Simple linear regression functions.

Dates: To be confirmed

Mode of Delivery: This course will be offered online

Course Instructors: 

Course Fees: The cost of the course is R 3 800.00. 

Closing Date:


*DataFirst reserves the right to postpone or cancel this course due to lack of demand.

Contact Us

Visit:  Suite 3.48, 3rd floor, School of Economics Building, Middle Campus, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town 
Mail: Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, Cape Town, South Africa 
Call: +27 (0)21 650 5708
 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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