Analysing Spatial Data using R
We will look at how spatial data (vector, raster) can be manipulated using R. These techniques will be applied to analysing spatial inequality and electrification using night lights data. This is a two-day course.
Course Content:
- Loading and operations on spatial vector data (points, lines, polygons)
- Loading spatial vector data into R
- Map plotting
- Define spatial projection
- Sub-setting polygons
- Loading and operations on raster (grid) data
- Loading a raster layer
- Basic exploration of raster data
- Define and changing raster projection
- Plotting raster data
- Crop and mask raster data
- Extract values from raster data
- Multiple layers of raster layers - raster stack, raster brick
- Application using the DMSP-OLS night-time lights series
Prerequisites: Course participants should be familiar with R and with basic statistical tools. Don't know R? Have a look at our Introduction to Data Analysis using R course.
Dates: To be confirmed
Mode of Delivery: This course will be offered online.
Course Instructors:
Course Fees: The cost of the course is R 4 500.00.
Closing Date:
*DataFirst reserves the right to postpone or cancel this course due to lack of demand.