Data use terms and conditions:

Financial Sector Deepening Zambia

Although much care was taken to ensure that the information contained in FSD Zambia data is correct, neither FSD Zambia nor any person working or having worked for institutions and countries involved in data collection can be held responsible for any errors and/or missions in the FSD Zambia data and for any consequences thereof.

FSD Zambia reserves the right to decide to whom the data will be made available. No data user will be unreasonably denied access to the data.
This policy is subject to review if the relevant laws change, or under other relevant circumstances.
To respect confidentiality, FSD Zambia requires that under no circumstances will the public data include personal identification, addresses or GPS coordinates of respondents’ locations.
Approval to use the FSD Zambia data may be withdrawn if the conditions contained in this policy have not been met by any of the approved users.
Users will abide by all rules and operating procedures detailed in this policy.
Data provided should not be used for any purpose other than the purpose detailed in the application completed by the user without written permission of FSD Zambia.
Users will not share any data obtained from the FSD Zambia archive to anyone except other users and organisations approved and named for the project described in the application form.
Users will not attempt to identify surveyed individuals, institutions and firms through the analysis of the data provided.
Users will consider the FSD Zambia original survey design in analysing data and reporting results.
Users must provide FSD Zambia with a digital copy of the final publication of analysis undertaken with the FSD Zambia data.
Data users must acknowledge FSD Zambia in final publications based on FSD Zambia data.

Researchers are required to include the following disclaimer in any publication that is based on FSD Zambia data:
The results presented in this report/thesis/article/paper are based on analysis carried out by [author/institution]. This report and all information, assumptions, and recommendations herein are published, given, made, or expressed without any responsibility whatsoever on the part of FSD Zambia.