
Showing 1-3 of 3
Journal Article
Clark, Shelley, Cassandra Cotton, and Letícia J Marteleto. "Family ties and young fathers' engagement in Cape Town, South Africa." Journal of Marriage and Family 77, no. 2 (2015): 575-589.
Conference Paper
Nguyen, Kim C, Margaret Wu, and Shelley Gillis. "Factors influencing pupil achievement in SACMEQ II - Botswana: An application of structural equation modelling." International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference, Paris, France, 2005. Paris, France, 2005.
Working Paper
Daley, Angela, Thesia Garner, Shelley Phipps, and Eva Sierminska. "Differences across place and time in household expenditure patterns: Implications for the estimation of equivalence scales." Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) Working Paper Series (2020).
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