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Conference Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Lugina, Helen I, Kyllike Christensson, Siriel Massawe, Lennarth Nystrom, and Gunilla Lindmark. "Change in maternal concerns during the 6 weeks postpartum period: a study of primiparous mothers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." Journal of Midwifery \& Women’s Health 46, no. 4 (2001): 248-257.
Journal Article
Kaufman, Carol E, Thea Wet, and Jonathan Stadler. "Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood in South Africa." Studies in family planning 32, no. 2 (2001): 147-160.
Working Paper
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