
Showing 1-15 of 15
Journal Article
Voth-Gaeddert, Lee E, Coretta Jonah, Douglas Momberg, Bwangandu Ngandu, Rihlat Said-Mohamed, Daniel B Oerther, and Julian May. "Assessment of environmental exposure factors on child diarrhea and systemic inflammation in the Eastern Cape." Water Research (2020).
Everts, Lee, Michelle Smit, Patrick Kelly, and Consumer Price Index. Boundaries and Buying: Realigning the publication areas of the CPI with current political and economic geographic realities. South Africa: Consumer Price Index, 2006.
Working Paper
Kotzé, Hennie, and Cindy Lee Steenkamp. "Democratic consolidation in South Africa: Comparing elite and public values." (2008).
Wilson, Rob, Ingrid Woolard, and Deborah Lee. Developing a national skills forecasting tool for South Africa. Coventry, United Kingdom: Institute for Employment Research, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jooste, Tracy-Lee. "Exploring social capital and its links with democracy in Cape Town: Findings from the Cape Area Study 2003." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2005.
Journal Article
Lee, Gregory J, and Gareth Rees. "Give and take between households and the state: Development and application of a Benefaction–Contribution Ratio." Review of Income and Wealth 62, no. 2 (2016): 362-379.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ronaki, Mullane, and Maraea-Tracy Te Kokiri Kihirini. "Indigenising the national census? A global study of the enumeration of indigenous peoples, 1985-2014." Masters, The University of Waikato, 2017.
Working Paper
Jooste, Tracy. "Measuring social capital in Cape Town: Providing a more nuanced perspective of trust and networks." Centre for Social Science Research Working Paper , no. 140 (2005).
Working Paper
Lee, Una. "Panel attrition in survey data: A literature review." CSSR Working Paper No. 41 , no. 41 (2003).
Journal Article
Masangwi, Salule J, Anthony M Grimason, Tracy D Morse, Lawrence Kazembe, Neil Ferguson, and George C Jabu. "Pattern of Maternal Knowledge and Its Implications for Diarrhoea Control in Southern Malawi: Multilevel Thresholds of Change Analysis." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 9, no. 3 (2012): 955-969.
Shisana, Olive, Leickness Simbayi, Thomas Rehle, Warren Parker, Khangelani Zuma, Arvin Bhana, Cathy Connolly, Sean Jooste, and Victoria Pillay. South African national HIV prevalence, HIV incidence, behaviour and communication survey, 2005. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2008.
Journal Article
Burger, Ronelle, Cindy Lee Steenekamp, Servaas van der Berg, and Asmus Zoch. "The emergent middle class in contemporary South Africa: Examining and comparing rival approaches." Development Southern Africa 32, no. 1 (2015): 25-40.
Conference Paper
Mailovich, Claudi, Carlene van der Westhuizen, and Tracy Jooste. "The procurement of basic services should respond to the needs of women." Fourth International Conference on Public Procurement Law Africa. Cape Town, South Africa, August 15, 2023.
Seekings, Jeremy, Tracy Jooste, Singumbe Muyeba, Marius Coqui, and Margo Russell. The social consequences of establishing ‘mixed’ neighbourhoods: Does the mechanism for selecting beneficiaries for low-income housing projects affect the quality of the ensuing ‘community’ and the likelihood of violent conflict?. Cape Town, South Africa: Centre for Social Science Research, 2010.
Showing 1-15 of 15