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Journal Article
Ghilagaber, Gebrenegus, and Stephen O Gyimah.
A family of flexible parametric duration functions & their applications to modelling child-spacing in Sub-Saharan Africa
PSC Discussion Papers Series 18, no. 1 (2004): 0-0.
Journal Article
Koch F, Steven.
Catastrophic health payments: Does the equivalence scale matter?
Health and Policy Planning 33, no. 8 (2018): 966-973.
Journal Article
Gyima, Stephen Obeng, Jerry White, and Paul Maxim.
Cohort perspectives on women's educational attainment and the timing of parenthood in Ghana
Journal of family and economic issues 26, no. 1 (2005): 123-142.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng, Baffour Takyi, and Eric Tenkorang.
Denominational affiliation and fertility behaviour in an African context: An examination of couple data from Ghana
Journal of biosocial science 40, no. 3 (2008): 445-0.
Journal Article
Ye, Yuxiang, Steven F Koch, and Jiangfeng Zhang.
Determinants of household electricity consumption in South Africa
Energy Economics (2018).
Journal Article
Koch F, Steven.
Equivalence scales in a developing country with extensive inequality
South African Journal of Economics n/a, no. n/a (2022).
Working Paper
Koch F, Steven.
Equivalence scales with endogeneity and base independence
University of Pretoria, Department of Economics Working Paper Series (2021).
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng.
Ethnicity and infant mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Ghana
PSC Discussion Papers Series 16, no. 10 (2002): 1-0.
Working Paper
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng.
Fertility response to childhood mortality in sub-Saharan with emphasis on Ghana and Kenya
PSC Discussion Papers Series 16, no. 2 (2002): 1-0.
Working Paper
Kidd, Stephen, and Diloá Athias.
Hit and miss: An assessment of targeting effectiveness in social protection
Working Paper
Bosch, Adél, Matthew Clance, and Steven F Koch.
Household debt and consumption dynamics: A non-developed world view following the financial crisis
University of Pretoria Working Papers (2021).
Working Paper
Bosch, Adél, and Steven F Koch.
Individual and household debt: Does imputation choice matter?
University of Pretoria Working Papers , no. 202141 (2021).
Working Paper
Koch F, Steven.
Inflation and the household: Towards a measurement of the welfare costs of inflation
South African Reserve Bank Working Paper , no. 02 (2009).
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Oben, and Rajulton Rajulton.
Intentional replacement of dead children in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Ghana and Kenya
Canadian Studies in Population 31, no. 1 (2004): 33-53.
Journal Article
Gyimah O, Stephen.
Interaction effects of maternal education and household facilities on childhood diarrhea in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Ghana
Journal of Health & Population in Developing Countries (2003).
Journal Article
Rammohan, Anu, and Stephen Whelan.
Knowledge, attitudes and the likelihood of being tested for HIV-AIDS in Ghana
Working Paper
Yeú, Yuxiang, and Steven F Koch.
Measuring energy poverty in South Africa based on household required energy consumption
ERSA Working Paper , no. 843 (2020).
Journal Article
Koch, Steven, and Olfunke Alaba.
On health insurance and household decisions: A treatment effect analysis
Social Science & Medicine 70, no. 2 (2010): 175-182.
Journal Article
Koch, Steven F, and Naomi Setshegetso.
Progressivity of out-of-pocket payments and its determinants decomposed over time
Development Southern Africa 0, no. 0 (2021): 1-19.
Journal Article
Tenkorang, Eric Y, Stephen Gyimah, Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale, and Jones Adjei.
Superstition, witchcraft and HIV prevention in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Ghana
Culture, Health & Sexuality 13, no. 9 (2011): 1001-1014.
Working Paper
Koch, Steven.
The aid and maid system: South African data pitfalls
Economic Research in Southern Africa Working Paper , no. 24 (2005).
Working Paper
Koch, Steve.
The AID and MAID System: South African household data pitfalls
Economic Research in Southern Africa Working Paper , no. 24 (2005).
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng.
The dynamics of timing and spacing of births in Ghana
Journal of Comparative Family Studies (2005).
Journal Article
Chelwa, Grieve, and Steven F Koch.
The effect of tobacco expenditure on expenditure shares in South African households: A genetic matching approach
PLOS ONE 14, no. 9 (2019): 1-16.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng, and Rajulton Fernando.
The effects of infant deaths on the risk of subsequent birth: A comparative analysis of DHS data from Ghana and Kenya
Biodemography and Social Biology 49, no. 1-2 (2002): 44-57.
Working Paper
Koch, Stephen F, and Evelyn Tshela.
The impact of diabetes on labour market outcomes
UP Economics Working Papers , no. 109 (2020).
Working Paper
Koch F, Steven.
Trends in South African household alcohol consumption risk factors
University of Pretoria, Department of Economics Working Paper Series , no. 2006-19 (2006).
Working Paper
Bosch, Adel, and Steven F Koch.
Using a natural experiment to examine tobacco tax regressivity
ERSA working paper 434 , no. 434 (2014).
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng.
What has faith got to do with it? Religion and child survival in Ghana
Journal of biosocial science 39, no. 6 (2007): 923-0.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng.
Women's educational attainment and the timing of parenthood in Ghana: A cohort perspective
PSC Discussion Papers Series 17, no. 4 (2003): 1-0.
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