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Journal Article
Pronyk, Paul M, Julia C Kim, Tanya Abramsky, Godfrey Phetla, James R Hargreaves, Linda A Morison, Charlotte Watts, Joanna Busza, and John DH Porter. "A combined microfinance and training intervention can reduce HIV risk behaviour in young female participants." AIDS 22, no. 13 (2008): 1659-1665.
Working Paper
Davidson, Katherine, Ariane De Lannoy, Joanna Grotte, Arindam Jana, Anda David, and Murray Leibbrandt. "An analytical framework to assess green transition jobs in South Africa." SALDRU Working Paper (2024).
Conference Paper
Hawthorne, Ryan, and Lukasz Grzybowski. "Benefits from competition in a high-inequality economy: The case of mobile telephony in South Africa." 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton. 2018.
Working Paper
Hawthorne, Ryan, and Lukasz Grzybowski. "Benefits of regulation vs. competition where inequality is high: The case of mobile telephony in South Africa." CESifo Working Paper Number 7703 (2019).
Journal Article
Pronyk, Paul M., Trudy Harpham, Joanna Busza, Godfrey Phetla, Linda A. Morison, James R. Hargreaves, Julia C. Kim, Charlotte H. Watts, and John D. Porter. "Can social capital be intentionally generated? A randomized trial from rural South Africa." Social Science & Medicine 67, no. 10 (2008): 1559-1570.
Journal Article
Hargreaves, James R., Linda A. Morison, Julia C. Kim, Joanna Busza, Godfrey Phetla, John D.H. Porter, Charlotte Watts, and Paul M. Pronyk. "Characteristics of sexual partnerships, not just of individuals, are associated with condom use and recent HIV infection in rural South Africa." AIDS Care 21, no. 8 (2009): 1058-1070.
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
Hawthorne, Ryan, and Lukasz Grzybowski. "Distribution of the benefits of regulation vs. competition: The case of mobile telephony in South Africa." International Journal of Industrial Organization (2021).
Journal Article
Pronyk, Paul M, James R Hargreaves, Julia C Kim, Linda A Morison, Godfrey Phetla, Charlotte Watts, Joanna Busza, and John D Porter. "Effect of a structural intervention for the prevention of intimate-partner violence and HIV in rural South Africa: A cluster randomised trial." The Lancet 368, no. 9551 (2006): 1973-1983.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ryan, Joanna. "Examining land reform in South Africa: Evidence from survey data." PhD Thesis, University of Cape Town, 2017.
Journal Article
Hargreaves, James R, Linda A Morison, John S Gear, John D Porter, Mzamani B Makhubele, Julia C Kim, Joanna Busza, Charlotte Watts, and Paul M Pronyk. "Hearing the voices of the poor: Assigning poverty lines on the basis of local perceptions of poverty. A quantitative analysis of qualitative data from participatory wealth ranking in rural South Africa." World Development 35, no. 2 (2007): 212-229.
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Journal Article
Hawthorne, Ryan, and Lucas Grzybowski. "Narrowing the “Digital Divide”: The Role of Fixed and Mobile Infrastructure." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy n/a, no. n/a (2024).
Journal Article
Hargreaves, James, Abigail Hatcher, Vicki Strange, Godfrey Phetla, Joanna Busza, Julia Kim, Charlotte Watts, Linda Morison, John Porter, Paul Pronyk, and Christopher Bonell. "Process evaluation of the Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity (IMAGE) in rural South Africa." Health Education Research 25, no. 1 (2009): 27-40.
Journal Article
Hatcher, Abigail, Jacques de Wet, Christopher Philip Bonell, Vicki Strange, Godfrey Phetla, Paul M. Proynk, Julia C. Kim, Linda Morison, John D. H. Porter, Joanna Busza, Charlotte Watts, and James R. Hargreaves. "Promoting critical consciousness and social mobilization in HIV/AIDS programmes: lessons and curricular tools from a South African intervention." Health Education Research 26, no. 3 (2011): 542-555.
Journal Article
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Diallo, Alpha, Mohammed Ali, Pascal Geldsetzer, Emily Gower, Trasia Mukama, Ryan Wagner, Justine Davies, Maarten Bijlsma, and Nikkil Sudharsanan. "Systolic blood pressure and 6-year mortality in South Africa: a country-wide, population-based cohort study." The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2, no. 2 (2021): e78-e86.
Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Phetla, Godfrey, Joanna Busza, James R. Hargreaves, Paul M. Pronyk, Julia C. Kim, Linda A. Morison, Charlotte Watts, and John D. H. Porter. "They have opened our mouths: Increasing women's skills and motivation for sexual communication with young people in rural South Africa." AIDS Education & Prevention 20, no. 6 (2008): 504-518.
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Journal Article
Odayar, Jasantha, Thokozile R Malaba, Joanna Allerton, Siti Kabanda, David Huang, Cathy Kalombo, Maia Lesosky, and Landon Myer. "Virologic outcomes after early referral of stable HIV-positive adults initiating ART to community-based adherence clubs in Cape Town, South Africa: A randomised controlled trial." PLOS ONE 17, no. 11 (2022): 1-13.
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