
Showing 1-30 of 30
Journal Article
Visagie, Justin, and Dorrit Posel. "A reconsideration of what and who is middle class in South Africa." Development Southern Africa 30, no. 2 (2013): 149-167.
Journal Article
Morrell, Robert, Dorrit Posel, and Richard Devey. "Counting fathers in South Africa: Issues of definition, methodology and policy." Social Dynamics 29, no. 2 (2003): 73-94.
Journal Article
Fintel, Dieter, and Dorrit Posel. "Errors in recalling childhood socio-economic status: the role of anchoring and household formation in South Africa." Social Indicators Research 126, no. 1 (2016): 119-140.
Working Paper
Hall, Katharine, and Dorrit Posel. "Fragmenting the family? The complexity of household migration strategies in post-apartheid South Africa." WIDER Working Paper 2018/8 (2018).
Working Paper
Casale, Daniela, and Dorrit Posel. "Gender and the early effects of the COVID-19 crisis in the paid and unpaid economies in South Africa." NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 4 (2020).
Journal Article
Casale, Daniela, and Dorrit Posel. "Gender inequality and the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from a large national survey during South Africa’s lockdown." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (2021).
Journal Article
Bowles, Sam, and Dorrit Posel. "Genetic relatedness predicts South African migrant workers' remittances to their families." Nature 434, no. 7031 (2005): 380-383.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, Daniela Casale, and Erofili Grapsa. "Household variation and inequality: The implications of equivalence scales in South Africa." African Review of Economics and Finance 12, no. 1 (2020): 102-122.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit. "Households and labour migration in post-Apartheid South Africa." Studies in Economics and Econometrics 34, no. 3 (2010): 129-141.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit. "How do households work? Migration, the household and remittance behaviour in South Africa." Social Dynamics 27, no. 1 (2001): 165-189.
Working Paper
Posel, Dorrit. "Inter-household transfers in South Africa: Prevalence, patterns and poverty." SALDRU Working Paper Number 180 and NIDS Discussion Paper 2016/7 , no. 180 (2016).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, Adeola Oyenubi, and Umakrishnan Kollamparambil. "Job loss and mental health during the COVID-19 lockdown: Evidence from South Africa." PLoS ONE 16, no. 3 (2021): 1-15.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, Daniela Casale, and Claire Vermaak. "Job search and the measurement of unemployment in South Africa." South African Journal of Economics 82, no. 1 (2014): 66-80.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Jochen Zeller. "Language shift or increased bilingualism in South Africa: Evidence from census data." Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 37, no. 4 (2016): 357-370.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit. "Living alone and depression in a developing country context: Longitudinal evidence from South Africa." SSM - Population Health (2021).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Mark Hunter. "Living alone in the age of freedom: The paradox of solo households in postapartheid South Africa." Population, Space and Place n/a, no. n/a (2022): 1-11.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Daniela Casale. "Moving during times of crisis: Migration, living arrangements and COVID-19 in South Africa." Scientific African (2021).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit. "Race Differences in the Loneliness of Older Adults: Evidence from South Africa." Social Indicators Research (2025).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, Daniela Casale, and Erofili Grapsa. "Re-estimating gender differences in income in South Africa: The implications of equivalence scales." Development Southern Africa 33, no. 4 (2016): 425-441.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, Mark Hunter, and Stephanie Rudwick. "Revisiting the prevalence of English: Language use outside the home in South Africa." Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (2020).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit. "Self-assessed well-being and economic rank in South Africa." Development Southern Africa 31, no. 1 (2014): 51-64.
Working Paper
Posel, Dorrit. "Self-assessed well-being: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 and 2 datasets." NIDS Discussion Paper 2012/2 2012, no. 2 (2012).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit. "The collection of national household survey data in South Africa (1993-2001): Rendering labour migration invisible." Development Southern Africa 20, no. 3 (2003): 361-368.
Journal Article
Casale, Daniela, and Dorrit Posel. "The continued feminisation of the labour force in South Africa: An analysis of recent data and trends." The South African Journal of Economics 70, no. 1 (2002): 156-184.
Book Section
Casale, Daniela, Dorrit Posel, and Jacqueline Mosomi. "The Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy." Part IV The labour market, distribution, and social policy: Chapter 34 Gender and work in South Africa (2022).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Daniela Casale. "The relationship between sex ratios and marriage rates in South Africa." Applied Economics 45, no. 5 (2011): 663-676.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Erofili Grapsa. "Time to learn: Time allocations among children in South Africa." International Journal of Educational Development (2017).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Tim Hinks. "Trusting neighbours or strangers in a racially divided society: Insights from survey data in South Africa." Journal of African Economies 22, no. 1 (2013): 136-162.
Working Paper
Dias, Rosa, and Dorrit Posel. "Unemployment, education and skills constraints in post-apartheid South Africa." DPRU Working Paper 07/120 , no. 07/120 (2007).
Working Paper
Posel, Dorrit, and Daniela Casale. "Who moves during times of crisis? mobility, living arrangements and COVID-19 in South Africa." NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 8 (2020).
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