
Showing 1-4 of 4
Journal Article
Bredenkamp, Caryn, Ronelle Burger, Alyssa Jourdan, and Eddy Van Doorslaer. "Changing inequalities in health-adjusted life expectancy by income and race in South Africa." Health Systems & Reform 7, no. 2 (2021): e1909303.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Haal, Karel, Anja Smith, and Eddy van Doorslaer. "The rise and fall of mortality inequality in South Africa in the HIV era." SSM - Population Health (2018).
O'Donnell, Owen, Eddy Van Doorsslaer, Adam Wagstaff, and Magnus Lindelow. Analyzing health equity using household survey data: A guide to techniques and their implementation. : World Bank Publications, 2008.
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