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Journal Article
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Habib, Ndema, Anne Daltveit, Joseph Mlay, Olola Oneko, John Shao, Per Bergso, Erik Lie-Nielsen, and Rolv Lie. "Birthweight and perinatal mortality among singletons and twins in north-eastern Tanzania." Scandinavian journal of public health 36, no. 7 (2008): 761-768.
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Nega, Fredu, Erik Mathijs, Jozef Deckers, Mitiku Haile, Jan Nyssen, and Eric Tollens. "Rural poverty dynamics and impact of intervention programs upon chronic and transitory poverty in northern Ethiopia." African Development Review 22, no. 1 (2010): 92-114.
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Kucera, David, Leanne Roncolato, and Erik Von Uexkull. "Trade contraction and employment in India and South Africa during the global crisis." World Development 40, no. 6 (2012): 1122-1134.
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Ventelou, Bruno, Yves Arrighi, Robert Greener, Erik Lamontagne, Patrizia Carrieri, and Jean-Paul Moatti. "The macroeconomic consequences of renouncing to universal access to antiretroviral treatment for HIV in Africa: a Micro-Simulation Model." PLoS One 7, no. 4 (2012): 0-0.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ålöv, Per Erik. "The changing face of African Pentecostalism: Processes and consequences of the movement´s development in South Africa." Master's thesis, University of Gothenburg, 2022.
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