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Burger, Rulof, and Dieter Von Fintel. "Determining the causes of the rising South African unemployment rate: An age, period and generational analysis." Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 24/09 (2009).
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van Broekhuizen, Hendrik, and Dieter von Fintel. "Who responds to voluntary cognitive tests in household surveys? The role of labour market status, respondent confidence, motivation and a culture of learning in South Africa." Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers 27/10 , no. 27/10 (2010).
Working Paper
Chitiga, Margaret, Bernard Decaluwe?, Ramos Mabugu, Helene Maisonnave, Veronique Robichaud, Debra Shepherd, Servaas van der Berg, and Dieter von Fintel. "The impact of the international economic crisis on child poverty in South Africa." Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers: 13/10 , no. 13/10 (2010).
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Maisonnave, Helene, Margaret Chitiga, Bernard Decaluwe, Ramos Mabugu, Veronique Robichaud, Debra Shepherd, Servaas van der Berg, and Dieter Von Fintel. "The impact of the international economic crisis on child poverty in South Africa." Poverty & Public Policy 7, no. 2 (2015): 176-199.
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Journal Article
von Fintel, Marisa. "Subjective wellbeing, reference groups and relative standing in post-Apartheid South Africa." African Review of Economics and Finance 7, no. 1 (2015): 6-31.
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Burger, Rulof, Rachel Jafta, and Dieter von Fintel. "Affirmative action policies and the evolution of post-apartheid South Africa’s racial wage gap." WIDER Working Paper (2016).
Conference Paper
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Working Paper
Dieter von Fintel,, Marisa von Fintel , and Thabani Buthelezi. "The complementarity between cash transfers and financial literacy for child growth." SALDRU Working Paper Number 241 Version 1/ NIDS Discussion Paper 2019/8 (2019).
Journal Article
von Fintel, Dieter, and Orthofer Anna. "Wealth inequality and financial inclusion: Evidence from South African tax and survey records." Economic Modelling (2020).
Journal Article
Piek, Marlies, and Dieter von Fintel. "Sectoral minimum wages in South Africa: Disemployment by firm size and trade exposure." Development Southern Africa 37, no. 3 (2020): 462-482.
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Bridgman, Grace, and Dieter von Fintel. "Stunting, double orphanhood and unequal access to public services in democratic South Africa." Economics & Human Biology (2021).
Thesis or Dissertation
von Widden, Chloe. "Exploring the relationship between obesity and the probability of gaining employment in the context of the South African labour market." Masters thesis, University of Cape Town, 2022.
Journal Article
Gangaidzo, Trust, Marisa von Fintel, Aletta E Schutte, and Ronelle Burger. "Stressful life events, neighbourhood characteristics, and systolic blood pressure in South Africa." Journal of Human Hypertension (2022).
Journal Article
Piek, Marlies, Dieter von Fintel, and Johann Kirsten. "The impact of agricultural minimum wages on worker flows in South Africa." South African Journal of Economics n/a, no. n/a (2023): 1-10.
Journal Article
Rich, Kate, and Dieter von Fintel. "Childhood circumstances, social mobility and the obesity transition: Evidence from South Africa." Economics & Human Biology (2023).
Working Paper
Leach, Grace, and Dieter von Fintel. "Promoting early childhood development through multi-dimensional service delivery in South Africa: A municipal view." Ilifa Labantwana ECD Working Paper Series (2024).
Working Paper
Allison, Chloe, and Neryvia Pillay. "Cash transfers and prices: what is the impact of social welfare on prices?." South African Reserve Bank Working Paper Series (2024).
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