
Showing 1-30 of 30
Website Document
Köhler, Timothy, and Robert Hill. "Did the TERS policy save jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic?." (0).
Marindo-Ranganai, Ravai, Ken Hill, Demographic, and Surveys. Trends and Differentials in Child Mortality: Zimbabwe, 1970-1994. Calverton, USA: Macro International Incorporated, 1997.
Working Paper
Hill, Kenneth, George Bicego, and Mary Mahy. "Childhood mortality in Kenya: An examination of trends and determinants in the late 1980s to mid 1990s." Hopkins Population Center Papers on Population WP01-01 (2001).
Hill, Kenneth, Boaz Cheluget, Siân Curtis, George Bicego, and Mary Mahy. HIV and increases in childhood mortality in Kenya in the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. : USAID, 2004.
Carr-Hill, Roy, Joyce Ndalichako, Ahmed Athumani, Wim Biervliet, Jan Brands, Justinian Galabawa, Kees Hammink, Herme Mosha, Sam Nguni, and Issa Omari. Education section situation analysis : Final report. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE, 2005.
Journal Article
Bishai, David, Priya Patil, George Pariyo, and Ken Hill. "The Babel effect: community linguistic diversity and extramarital sex in Uganda." AIDS and Behavior 10, no. 4 (2006): 369-376.
Working Paper
Webster, Jayne, and Jenny Hill. "Framework of strategic options for integrated delivery of insecticide-treated nets and immunization." Global Malaria Programme, World Health Organization (2006).
Journal Article
Weeks, John R, Alan G Hill, Adam Getis, and Douglas Stow. "Ethnic residential patterns as predictors of intra-urban child mortality inequality in Accra, Ghana." Urban geography 27, no. 6 (2006): 526-548.
Journal Article
Weeks, John R, Arthur Getis, Allan Hill, Samuel Agyei-Mensah, and David Rain. "Neighborhoods and fertility in Accra, Ghana: An AMOEBA-based approach." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100, no. 3 (2010): 558-578.
Thesis or Dissertation
Allan, Claire. "Is South Africa’s social protection system addressing the causes or the symptoms of poverty? The case of the child support grant." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2010.
Journal Article
Stoler, Justin, Günther Fink, John R Weeks, Richard Otoo, Joseph Ampofo, and Allan Hill. "When urban taps run dry: Sachet water consumption and health effects in low income neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana." Health & Place (2011).
Working Paper
Vargas Hill, Ruth, John Hoddinott, and Neha Kumar. "Adoption of weather index insurance: Learning from willingness to pay among a panel of households in rural Ethiopia." (2011).
Journal Article
Littrell, Megan, Neil W Boris, Lisanne Brown, Michael Hill, and Kate Macintyre. "The influence of orphan care and other household shocks on health status over time: a longitudinal study of children's caregivers in rural Malawi." AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 23, no. 12 (2011): 1551-1561.
Working Paper
Bhorat, Haroon, Aalia Cassim, and Allan Hirsch. "Policy co-ordination and growth traps in a middle-income country setting: The case of South Africa." DPRU Working Paper , no. 2014/155 (2014).
Journal Article
Gunhidzirai, Constance, Mavis Makoni Mavis Makoni, and Pius T Tanga. "Child support grants and poverty reduction in Hill Crest community, Eastern Cape province of South Africa." Journal of Social Science 51, no. 1-3 (2017): 70-79.
Working Paper
Hill, Robert, Kezia Lilenstein, and Amy Thornton. "Job spells in an emerging market: Evidence from apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa." WIDER Working Paper , no. 27 (2020).
van Walbeek, Corne, Rob Hill, Samantha Filby, and Kirsten Van der Zee. Market impact of the COVID-19 national cigarette sales ban in South Africa. 2021.
Working Paper
Hill, Robert, and Tim Kohler. "Mind the gap: The distributional effects of South Africa’s national lockdown on gender wage inequality." DPRU Working Paper 2021, no. 01 (2021).
Working Paper
Köhler, Timothy, and Robert Hill. "The distribution and dynamics of South Africa’s TERS policy: Results from NIDS-CRAM Waves 1 to 5." NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Köhler, Timothy, Haroon Bhorat, Robert Hill, and Benjamin Stanwix. "Covid-19 and the labour market: Estimating the effects of South Africa’s national lockdown." (2021).
Working Paper
Allen, Caitlin, Zaakhir Asmal, Haroon Bhorat, Robert Hill, Jabulile Monnakgotla, Morne Oosthuizen, and Christopher Rooney. "Employment creation potential, labour skills requirements, and skill gaps for young people: A South African case study." DPRU Working Papers (2021).
Working Paper
Whitehead, Caitlin A, Haroon Bhorat, Robert Hill, Timothy Köhler, and François Steenkamp. "The potential employment implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies: The case of the manufacturing, engineering and related services sector." DPRU Working Paper (2021).
Journal Article
Davids, Allan, Gideon Du Rand, Co-Pierre Georg, Tina Koziol, and Joeri Schasfoort. "Social learning in a network model of Covid-19." medRxiv (2021).
Journal Article
Köhler, Timothy, and Robert Hill. "Wage subsidies and COVID-19: The distribution and dynamics of South Africa’s TERS policy." Development Southern Africa 0, no. 0 (2022): 1-33.
Working Paper
Köhler, Timothy, and Robert Hill. "Did the TERS policy save jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic?." Econ3x3 (2022).
Working Paper
Köhler, Timothy, Robert Hill, and Haroon Bhorat. "The effect of wage subsidies on job retention." WIDER Working Paper (2022).
Book Section
Kohler, Timothy, Haroon Bhorat, Robert Hill, and Benjamin Stanwix. "The Future of the South African Political Economy Post-COVID 19." The Short-Term Labor Market Effects of South Africa’s National COVID-19 Lockdown (2022).
Book Section
Ngombe, Miriam, João Domingos, and Allan Cain. "The city in an era of cascading risks. City development: Issues and best practices.." COVID-19 in Angola’s slums: providing evidence and a roadmap for participatory slum upgrading in pandemic times (2023).
Journal Article
Davids, Allan, Gideon du Rand, Co-Pierre Georg, Tina Koziol, and Joeri Schasfoort. "Social learning in a network model of Covid-19." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2023).
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