
Showing 1-30 of 30
Journal Article
May, Julian D, Jorge Aguero, Michael R Carter, and Ian M Timaeus. "The KwaZulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study (KIDS) third wave: Methods, first findings and an agenda for future research." Development Southern Africa 24, no. 5 (2007): 629-648.
Thesis or Dissertation
May D, Julian. "The persistence of poverty in post apartheid South Africa assets livelihoods and differentiation in Kwazulu-Natal,1993-2004." Doctor of Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2008.
Conference Paper
May, Julian, Ingrid Woolard, and Stefan Klasen. "The nature and measurement of poverty and inequality." Poverty and inequality in South Africa: Meeting the challenge. 2000.
Book Section
May, Julian, Ingrid Woolard, and Bob Blauch. "Why Poverty Persists: Poverty Dynamics in Asia and Africa." Poverty traps and structural poverty in South Africa: Reassessing the evidence from Kwazulu-Natal 1993-2004 (2011).
Working Paper
May, Julian, and Ingrid Woolard. "Poverty traps and structural poverty in South Africa: Reassessing the evidence from KwaZulu-Natal." Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper , no. 82 (2007).
Journal Article
May, Julian, and Ian Timaeus. "Inequities in under-five child nutritional status in South Africa: What progress has been made?." Development Southern Africa 31, no. 6 (2014): 761-774.
Journal Article
May, Julian, and Benjamin Roberts. "Panel data and policy analysis in South Africa: Taking a long view." Social Dynamics 27, no. 1 (2001): 96-199.
Journal Article
May, Julian, and Charles Meth. "Dualism or underdevelopment in South Africa: what does a quantitative assessment of poverty, inequality and employment reveal?." Development Southern Africa 24, no. 2 (2007): 271-287.
May, Julian, Michael R Carter, and Dori Posel. The composition and persistence of poverty in rural South Africa: An entitlements approach. Johannesburg, South Africa: Land and Agriculture Policy Centre, 1995.
Journal Article
May, Julian, Michael Carter, Lawrence Haddad, and John Maluccio. "KwaZulu-Natal income dynamics study (KIDS) 1993-1998: A longitudinal household data set for South African policy analysis." Development Southern Africa 17, no. 4 (2000): 567-581.
Working Paper
May, Julian, and Michael Carter. "Agriculture: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset." NIDS Discussion Paper no. 6 (2009).
May, Julian, Chantell Witten, and Lori Lake. South African Child Gauge 2020: Food and nutrition security. Cape Town, South Africa: 2020 Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town, 2020.
May, Julian. Poverty and Inequality in South Africa: Meeting the Challenge. Cape Town, South Africa: David Philip, 2000.
Conference Paper
May, Julian. "An improved data set for demographic research: The KwaZulu-Natal income dynamics Survey (KIDS) 3rd Wave." Forum on African development and poverty reduction. Somerset West, South Africa, 2004.
Journal Article
Maughan-Brown, and Nyblade. "Different dimensions of HIV-related stigma may have opposite effects on HIV testing: Evidence among young men and women in South Africa." AIDS and Behavior 18, no. 5 (2013): 1-8.
Journal Article
Maluccio, John, Lawrence Haddad, and Julian May. "Social capital and household welfare in South Africa, 1993-98." The Journal of Development Studies 36, no. 6 (2000): 54-81.
Journal Article
Maluccio, John, Lawrence Haddad, and Julian May. "Social capital and household welfare in South Africa, 1993–98." The Journal of Development Studies 36, no. 6 (2000): 54-81.
Book Section
Hunter, Nina, and Julian May. "Aging and Health in Africa." Ageing in post-Apartheid South Africa: An analysis of the (2013).
Working Paper
Deininger, Klaus W, and Julian D May. "Can there be growth with equity: an initial assessment of land reform in South Africa." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2451, no. 2451 (2000): 0-0.
Conference Paper
Case, Anne. "Health, income and economic development." Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics,Washington D.C, May 2001, . Washington, United States, 2001.
Working Paper
Carter, Michael R, and Julian May. "Getting ahead or falling behind? The dynamics of poverty in post-Apartheid South Africa." Draft paper: International Food Policy Research Institute, the University of Natal and the University of Wisconsin (1999).
Journal Article
Carter, Michael R, and Julian May. "One kind of freedom: Poverty dynamics in post-apartheid South Africa." World Development 29, no. 12 (2001): 1987-2006.
Journal Article
Boef, A G, L May, D van Bodegom, M Kuningas, U K Eriksson, and R G Westendorp. "The influence of genetic variation on innate immune activation in an environment with high infectious pressure." Genes and Immunity 13, no. 2 (2012): 103-108.
Journal Article
Aguero, Jorge, Michael R Carter, and Julian May. "Poverty and inequality in the first decade of South Africa’s democracy: What can be learnt from panel data from KwaZulu-Natal?." Journal of African Economies 16, no. 5 (2007): 782-812.
Journal Article
Adato, Michelle, Michael R Carter, and Julian May. "Exploring poverty traps and social exclusion in South Africa using qualitative and quantitative data." The Journal of Development Studies 42, no. 2 (2006): 226-247.
Adato, Michelle, Robert Carter, and Julian May. Sense in sociability?: Social exclusion and persistant poverty in South Africa. 2004.
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