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National Income Dynamics Study-Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey
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National Income Dynamics Study-Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey
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Showing 91-120 of 155
Working Paper
Burger, Ronelle, Brendan Maughan-Brown, Timothy Köhler, René English, and Michele Tameris.
A shot in the arm for South Africa - increased openness to accepting a COVID-19 vaccine: Evidence from NIDS-CRAM Waves 4 and 5
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Kollamparambil, Uma, Adeola Oyenubi, and Chijioke O Nwosu.
Mental health, COVID-19 vaccine distrust and vaccine hesitancy in South Africa
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Shepherd, Debra, and Nompumelelo Mohohlwane.
The impact of COVID-19 in education - more than a year of disruption
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Casale, Daniela, and Debra Shepherd.
The gendered effects of the COVID-19 crisis and ongoing lockdown in South Africa: Evidence from NIDS-CRAM Waves 1 - 5
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza C, Kim Ingle, and Tim Brophy.
Labour market dynamics in the era of COVID-19: What we’ve learnt from NIDS-CRAM & the Quarterly Labour Force Surveys (QLFS)
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Köhler, Timothy, and Robert Hill.
The distribution and dynamics of South Africa’s TERS policy: Results from NIDS-CRAM Waves 1 to 5
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Visagie, Justin, and Ivan Turok.
Driven further apart by the pandemic? Contrasting impacts of COVID-19 on people and places
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Nwosu, Chijioke O, Uma Kollamparambil, and Adeola Oyenubi.
Socioeconomic inequalities in ability to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic: The case of South Africa
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Oyenubi, Adeola, Chijioke O Nwosu, and Umakrishnan Kollamparambil.
Health indicators and poor health dynamics during COVID-19 pandemic
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Hunt, Xanthe, Elsie Breet, Dan J Stein, and Mark Tomlinson.
The COVID-19 pandemic, hunger, and depressed mood among South Africans
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Wills, Gabrielle, and Jesal Kika-Mistry.
Early childhood development in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from NIDS-CRAM waves 2 - 5
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
van der Berg, Servaas, Leila Patel, and Grace Bridgman.
Food insecurity in South Africa: Evidence from NIDS-CRAM wave 5
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Wittenberg, Martin, and Nicola Branson.
Creating household weights for NIDS-CRAM
South Africa: NIDS-CRAM, 2021.
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Daniela Casale.
Moving during times of crisis: Migration, living arrangements and COVID-19 in South Africa
Scientific African (2021).
Jacobs, Peter, Bongiwe Mcata, Chijioke Nwosu, Whadiah Parker, Admire Nyamwanza, Matume Maila, Fundisiwe Malinga, and Moyosoore Babalola.
The status of population, food security, nutrition and sustainable development during the Covid-19 and lockdown period in South Africa
: HSRC, 2021.
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza C, Kim Ingle, and Tim Brophy.
Employment uncertainty in the era of COVID-19: Evidence from NIDS-CRAM and the QLFS
SALDRU Working Paper (2021).
Thesis or Dissertation
Magadzire, Vengesai.
Essays on social protection and human welfare in Southern Africa
PhD Thesis, The University of Leeds, 2021.
Working Paper
Simon, Benjamin A, and Isaac Khambule.
Modelling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on South African livelihoods
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (2021).
Journal Article
Dasgupta, Shouro, and Elizabeth J Robinson.
Food insecurity, safety nets, and coping strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multi-country evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 19 (2021).
Journal Article
Burger, Ronelle, Carmen Christian, Rene English, Brendan Maughan-Brown, and Laura Rossouw.
Predictors of mask-wearing during the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from South Africa
Translational Behavioral Medicine (2021).
Working Paper
Espi-Sanchis, Gabriel, Murray Leibbrandt, and Vimal Ranchhod.
The role of employment history and age during COVID-19: Understanding 2020 South African employment dynamics in historical context
SALDRU Working Paper (2021).
Working Paper
Eyal, Katherine.
Household survival strategies during COVID-19: Evidence from panel data in South Africa
SALDRU Working Paper (2021).
Journal Article
Shepherd, Debra, and Nompumelelo Mohohlwane.
A generational catastrophe: COVID-19 and children’s access to education and food in South Africa
Development Southern Africa (2021).
Gustafsson, Martin.
By how much has school participation declined as a result of the pandemic?
Book Section
Stanwix, Benjamin.
Financial and Fiscal Commission technical report: Submission for the division of revenue 2022/23
Chapter 6: Testing the means test: Social assistance in South Africa in the time of COVID-19 (2021).
Book Section
Dikgang, Johane, and Dambala G Kutel.
Financial and Fiscal Commission technical report: Submission for the division of revenue 2022/23
Chapter 7: Food security and fiscal policy (2021).
Book Section
Dikgang, Johane, and Isaiah Magambo.
Financial and Fiscal Commission technical report: Submission for the division of revenue 2022/23
Chapter 8: Water and sanitation access, distribution efficiencies and tariff setting in South Africa (2021).
Working Paper
Burger, Ronelle, and Martina Mchenga.
Anticipating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health inequality in South Africa: Early evidence on direct and indirect influences
PEP Working Paper Series (2021).
Working Paper
Casale, Daniela, and Dorrit Posel.
Gender and the early effects of the COVID-19 crisis in the paid and unpaid economies in South Africa
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 4 (2020).
Working Paper
Kohler, Tim, and Haroon Bhorat.
Covid-19, social protection, and the labour market in South Africa: Are social grants being targeted at the most vulnerable?
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 6 (2020).
Showing 91-120 of 155