Citations National Income Dynamics Study-Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey

Showing 151-155 of 155
Working Paper
Burger, Ronelle, Candy Day, Nicola Deghaye, Lungiswa Nkonki, Russel Rensburg, Anja Smith, and Cari V Schalkwyk. "Examining the unintended consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on public sector health facility visits: The first 150 days." NIDS-CRAM Insight Briefs Series , no. 16 (2020).
Working Paper
Turok, Ivan, and Justin Visagie. "The Covid-19 crisis has amplified spatial inequalities." Econ3x3 (2020).
Thesis or Dissertation
Gangaidzo, Trust. "Socioeconomic status and chronic diseases in South Africa." PhD thesis, Stellenbosch University, 202.
Website Document
Köhler, Timothy, and Robert Hill. "Did the TERS policy save jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic?." (0).
Showing 151-155 of 155