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Journal Article
Woolard, Ingrid, Murray Leibbrandt, and Reza Daniels.
Getting ahead or falling behind: Findings from the second wave of the National Income Dynamics Study
Development Southern Africa 31, no. 1 (2014): 1-15.
Journal Article
Daniels, Reza C, Arden Finn, and Sibongile Musundwa.
Wealth data quality in the National Income Dynamics Study Wave 2
Development Southern Africa 31, no. 1 (2014): 31-50.
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza.
Poverty alleviation and the prospects for micro-enterprise development: Lessons from the subsistence fishing industry
DPRU working paper (2000).
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza.
Consumer indebtedness among urban South African households: A descriptive overview
DPRU Working Papers , no. 01/55 (2001).
Conference Paper
Daniels, Reza.
Financial Intermediation and the micro-finance Sector
TIPS 2001 Annual Forum: New direction in the South African economy, Muldersdrift, 10-12 September, 2001.
Muldersdrift, South Africa, September, 2001.
Journal Article
Daniels, Reza.
The impact of income transfers on poverty levels in the subsistence fisheries sector
Trade and industry monitor (2001).
Journal Article
Daniels, Reza.
Financial intermediation, regulation and the formal microcredit sector in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 21, no. 5 (2004): 831-849.
Journal Article
Daniels C, Reza.
Poverty alleviation in the subsistence fisheries sector
South African Journal of Economics 70, no. 5 (2002): 809-829.
Conference Paper
Daniels, Reza.
Poverty alleviation and the prospects for micro-enterprise development: Lessons from the subsistence fishing industry
TIPS Conference.
Muldersdrift, 2000.
Conference Paper
Daniels, Reza.
Modeling vulnerability to over-indebtedness among urban indebted households in South Africa
DPRU/FES conference on Labour Markets and Poverty, Johannesburg, 2001.
Johannesburg, 2001.
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza C, and Sandrine Rospabé.
Estimating an earnings function from coarsened data by an interval censored regression procedure
DPRU Working Paper , no. 05/91 (2005).
Working Paper
Brophy, Tim S, Reza C Daniels, and Sibongile Musundwa.
gpsbound: Routine for importing and verifying geographical information from a user provided shapefile
SALDRU Working Paper Number 132 , no. 132 (2014).
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza C, Andrew Partridge, Dineo Kekana, and Sibongile Musundwa.
Rural livelihoods in South Africa
SALDRU Working Paper Number 122 and NIDS Discussion Paper 2013/4 , no. 122 (2013).
Working Paper
Mhlongo, Vukile, and Reza C Daniels.
Food expenditure patterns in South Africa: Evidence from the NIDS
SALDRU Working Paper Number 123 and NIDS Discussion Paper 2013/5 , no. 123 (2013).
Working Paper
Daniels C, Reza.
A framework for investigating micro data quality, with application to South African labour market household surveys
SALDRU Working Paper Number 90 , no. 90 (2012).
Conference Paper
Daniels, Reza.
Modelling vulnerability to over-indebtedness among urban indebted households in South Africa
DPRU/FES conference on labour markets and poverty in Johannesburg, South Africa, 15-16 November, 2001.
Johannesburg, South Africa, 2001.
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza C, Arden Finn, and Sibongile Musundwa.
Wealth in the National Income Dynamics Study Wave 2
NIDS Discussion Paper 2012/6 2012, no. 6 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Daniels C, Reza.
The income distribution with multiple sources of survey error
PhD thesis, University of Cape Town, 2013.
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza, and Safia Khan.
Household balance sheets in South Africa
South African Labour Development Unit Working Papers , no. 248 (2019).
Working Paper
Ranchhod, Vimal, and Reza Daniels.
Labour market dynamics in South Africa in the time of Covid-19: Evidence from Wave 1 of the NIDS-CRAM Survey
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 9 (2020).
Working Paper
Ranchhod, Vimal, and Reza Daniels.
Labour market dynamics in South Africa in the time of COVID-19: Evidence from Waves 1 and 2 of the NIDS-CRAM survey
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 13 (2020).
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza, Kim Ingle, and Tim Brophy.
Determinants of attrition in NIDS-CRAM Waves 1 & 2
SALDRU Working Paper , no. 271 (2020).
Journal Article
Ranchhod, Vimal, and Reza C Daniels.
Labour market dynamics in South Africa at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic
South African Journal of Economics (2021).
Journal Article
Daniels, R.
Indebtedness and poverty: Exploring the linkages
South African labour bulletin 25, no. 6 (2001): 0-0.
Journal Article
Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Sarah Medeiros, Reza Mohammadi, Johnny Lin, and Koustuv Dalal.
Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence: a study of female victims in Malawi
Journal of injury and violence research 5, no. 1 (2012): 0-0.
Daniels, R.
Monitoring and evaluating the impact on access rights allocations on poverty in subsistence fishing communities
Cape Town , South Africa: Development Policy Research Unit, 2000.
Working Paper
Ayalew, Daniels.
Risk-sharing networks among households in rural Ethiopia
Thesis or Dissertation
Daniels, Roger.
The integration of Geographical Information Systems with multicriteria decision making techniques to improve poverty eradication planning
Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Daniels, Tasneem.
Estimating returns to education and experience in the South African agricultural industry
Masters Thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Working Paper
Daniels, Reza.
Poverty alleviation in the subsistence fisheries sector: A microeconometric analysis
DPRU Working Paper , no. 01/46 (2001).
Showing 1-30 of 30