
Showing 1-7 of 7
Journal Article
Noble, Michael, Gemma Wright, and Lucie Cluver. "Developing a child-focused and multidimensional model of child poverty for South Africa." Journal of Children & Poverty 12, no. 1 (2006): 39-53.
Working Paper
Barnes, Helen, Michael Noble, Chris Dibben, Charles Meth, Gemma Wright, and Lucie Cluver. "South Africa microdata scoping study." Centre for the Analysis of South African Social Policy Working Paper No. 6 , no. 6 (2007).
Working Paper
Bachas, Pierre, Lucie Gadenne, and Anders Jensen. "Consumption taxes, redistribution and informality." (2019).
Journal Article
Cluver, Lucie, and Mark Orkin. "Cumulative risk and AIDS-orphanhood: Interactions of stigma, bullying and poverty on child mental health in South Africa." Social Science & Medicine 69, no. 8 (2009): 1186 -1193.
Journal Article
Woollett, Nataly, Heena Brahmbhatt, Kate Dodd, Michelle Booth, Hayley Berman, and Lucie Cluver. "Revealing the impact of loss: Exploring mental health through the use of drawing/writing with HIV positive adolescents in Johannesburg." Children and Youth Services Review (2017).
Working Paper
Toska, Elona, Lucie D Cluver, Marija Pantelic, and Rebecca Hodes. "To know or not to know? HIV-status disclosure and protective sexual practices among adolescent girls and boys in South Africa." CSSR Working Paper , no. 402 (2017).
Journal Article
Romero, Rocio H, Lucie Cluver, James Hall, and Janina Steinert. "Socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents and educational delay in two provinces in South Africa: Impacts of personal, family and school characteristics." Education as Change 22, no. 1 (2018): 1-33.
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