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Showing 1-23 of 23
Thesis or Dissertation
Gunby, Kate.
Constitutionally guaranteed economic and social rights realization in South Africa
PhD thesis, The University of Arizona, 2019.
Lefko-Everett, Kate, Rajen Govender, and Donald Foster.
Rethinking reconciliation: Evidence from South Africa
: Human Sciences Research Council, 2017.
Working Paper
Awusabo-Asare, Kofi, Ann Biddlecom, Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme, and Kate Patterson.
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Ghana: results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents
Working Paper
Wilkinson, Kate.
Adapting EUROMOD for use in a developing country: The case of South Africa and SAMOD
EUROMOD Working Paper EM5/09 (2009).
Ndhlovu, Lewis, Julie Solo, Robert Miller, Kate Miller, and Achola Ominde.
An assessment of clinic-based family planning services in Kenya: Results from the 1995 Situation Analysis Study
Nairobi: Population Council, 1997.
Tostensen, Arne, Hugo Stokke, Sven Trygged, and Kate Halvorsen.
Supporting child rights: Synthesis of lessons learned in four countries
: Sida, 2011.
Journal Article
Wilkinson, Kate.
Modeling the impact of taxes and transfers on child poverty in South Africa
Social Science Computer Review 29, no. 1 (2011): 127-144.
Journal Article
Ambler, Kate.
Bargaining with grandma: The impact of the South African pension on household decision-making
The Journal of Human Resources 51, no. 4 (2015): 900-932.
Journal Article
Rich, Kate, Chris Desmond, and Tawanda Makusha.
Welfare measures and the composition of the bottom decile: The example of gender and extreme poverty in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 36, no. 4 (2019): 491-503.
Working Paper
Bird, Kate, David Hulme, Karen Moore, and Andrew Shepherd.
Chronic poverty and remote rural areas
Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper No 13 , no. 13 (2002).
Journal Article
Rutenberg, Naomi, Carol E Kaufman, Kate Macintyre, Lisanne Brown, and Ali Karim.
Pregnant or positive: Adolescent childbearing and HIV risk in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Reproductive Health Matters 11, no. 22 (2003): 122-133.
Working Paper
Baldwin, Kate.
When politicians cede control of resources: Land, chiefs and coalition-building in Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 130 , no. 130 (2011).
Working Paper
McCord, Anna, and Kate Wilkinson.
Assessing the incidence of public works programmes: Using propensity score matching techniques to assess the poverty targeting of employment in two public works programmes in South Africa.
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 31 (2009).
Journal Article
Philip, Kate.
The rationale for an employment guarantee in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 29, no. 01 (2012): 177-190.
Book Section
Bayliss, Kate, and Adam Al-Hassan.
Alternatives to privatisation: public options for essential services in the global South
Where have all the options gone? The shrinking of African water policy options (2012).
Journal Article
Littrell, Megan, Neil W Boris, Lisanne Brown, Michael Hill, and Kate Macintyre.
The influence of orphan care and other household shocks on health status over time: a longitudinal study of children's caregivers in rural Malawi
AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 23, no. 12 (2011): 1551-1561.
Journal Article
Bahwere, Paluku, Angella Mtimuni, Kate Sadler, Theresa Banda, and Steve Collins.
Long term mortality after community and facility based treatment of severe acute malnutrition: Analysis of data from Bangladesh, Kenya, Malawi and Niger
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology (2012).
Journal Article
Woollett, Nataly, Heena Brahmbhatt, Kate Dodd, Michelle Booth, Hayley Berman, and Lucie Cluver.
Revealing the impact of loss: Exploring mental health through the use of drawing/writing with HIV positive adolescents in Johannesburg
Children and Youth Services Review (2017).
Journal Article
Wand, Handan, Cassandra Vujovich-Dunn, Kate Derrick, Jayajothi Moodley, Tarylee Reddy, and Sarita Naidoo.
Geospatial variations in socioeconomic conditions and health outcomes in COVID-19 era: insights from South Africa (2020–2022)
GeoJounal (2023).
Thesis or Dissertation
Rich T, Kate.
Socioeconomic status, economic insecurity and the obesity transition in South Africa: generational and life course aspects
PhD thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2023.
Journal Article
Wand, Handan, Jayajothi Moodley, Kate Derrick, Cassandra Vujovich-Dunn, Tarylee Reddy, and Sarita Naidoo.
Evaluating the impact of public health messages for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in South Africa: temporal versus geospatial trends (2021–2022)
Journal of Public Health (2023).
Journal Article
Tsaneva, Magda, and Lauren-Kate LaPlante.
The effect of crime on mental health in South Africa
Review of Development Economics n/a, no. n/a (2023): 1-23.
Journal Article
Rich, Kate, and Dieter von Fintel.
Childhood circumstances, social mobility and the obesity transition: Evidence from South Africa
Economics & Human Biology (2023).
Showing 1-23 of 23