
Showing 1-5 of 5
Thesis or Dissertation
Wakefield, Hayley. "Investigating chronic unemployment in South Africa, 2008-2015." Master's thesis, University of Western Cape , 2020.
Journal Article
Barnes, Hayley, and Elsie Venter. "Mathematics as a social construct: Teaching mathematics in context." Pythagoras (2008).
Working Paper
McEwen, Hayley, Catherine Kannemeyer, and Ingrid Woolard. "Social assistance grants: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset." NIDS Discussion Paper no. 10 (2009).
Journal Article
McEwen, Hayley, and Ingrid Woolard. "The fiscal cost of child grants in the context of high adult mortality in South Africa: A simulation to 2015." Development Southern Africa 29, no. 1 (2012): 141-156.
Journal Article
Woollett, Nataly, Heena Brahmbhatt, Kate Dodd, Michelle Booth, Hayley Berman, and Lucie Cluver. "Revealing the impact of loss: Exploring mental health through the use of drawing/writing with HIV positive adolescents in Johannesburg." Children and Youth Services Review (2017).
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