
Showing 1-3 of 3
Gezahegn, Yohannes, Bizuayehu Ayele, Getachew Fulle, and Mesfin Tadesse. Turufe Kecheme: Shashemene Wereda, East Shewa Zone, Oromia Region. Bath, United Kingdom: Ethiopia Wellbeing in Developing Countries Research Programme, University of Bath , 2006.
Fule, Getachew, and Mesfin Tadesse. Turufe Kecheme: Shashemene Woreda. Addis Ababa and Oxford, Ethiopia and United Kingdom: Department of Sociology, Addis Abada University and the Centre for the study of African Economies, Oxford University , 1996.
Working Paper
Nisrane, Fantu, Guush Berhane, Sinafikeh Asrat, Gerawork Getachew, Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse, and John Hoddinott. "Sources of inefficiency and growth in agricultural output in subsistence agriculture: A stochastic frontier analysis." (2011).
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