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Department of Basic Education,.
General Household Survey (GHS): Focus on schooling 2016
Pretoria, South Africa: Department of Basic Education, 2018.
Marongwe, N.
Observatory Case Studies: The Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) in Zimbabwe
: The United Nations and Partners’ Alliance on Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), 2007.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ananga, Eric Daniel.
The drop out experience of basic school children in rural Ghana: implications for universal basic education policy
PhD, University of Sussex, 2011.
EduAction, and Eastern Cape Department of Education.
Eastern Cape: Review of education indicators 1995 - 2000
South Africa: Eastern Cape Department of Education, 2000.
Journal Article
Chimombo, Joseph.
Changing patterns of access to basic education in Malawi: a story of a mixed bag?
Comparative Education 45, no. 2 (2009): 297-312.
Working Paper
Gangadharan, Lata, and Pushkar Maitra.
Two aspects of fertility behaviour in South Africa
University of Sydney Department of Economics Papers , no. 99-06 (1999).
Working Paper
Grogan, Louise.
Who benefits from universal primary education in Uganda
Unpublished report, Department of Economics, University of Guelph (2006).
Journal Article
Modisaotsile, Brenda.
The failing standard of basic education in South Africa
Africa Institute of South Africa , no. 72 (2012).
Levy, Brian, Robert Cameron, Urshula Hoadley, and Vinothan Naidoo.
The politics and governance of basic education: A tale of two South African provinces
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Thesis or Dissertation
Venter, Lieschen.
A systems perspective of basic education in South Africa
PhD thesis, Stellenbosch Univeristy, 2020.
Working Paper
Mohohlwane, Nompumelelo, Stephen Taylor, and Debra Shepherd.
COVID-19 and basic education: Evaluating the initial impact of the return to schooling
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 11 (2020).
Journal Article
Ngwane, Alfred K, Venkata S S Yadavalli, and Francois E Steffens.
Poverty: Deprivations in terms of basic needs
Development Southern Africa 19, no. 4 (2002): 545-560.
National Department of Health, South Africa.
Annual health statistics 2012
Pretoria, South Africa: Department of Health, 2013.
Conference Paper
Chimombo P, Joseph.
Challenges to the provision of quality basic education for all: Evidence from Malawi SACMEQ programs
International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference, Paris, France, 2005.
Paris, France, 2005.
Lestrada-Jefferis, Joyce M, F Orkin, B Njobe, National Department of Agriculture, and Statistics South Africa.
Employment trends in agriculture in South Africa
: Statistics South Africa, 2000.
Working Paper
Gangadharan, Lata, and Pushkar Maitra.
Fertility-mortality interactions in South Africa
University of Melbourne Department of Economics Working Papers Series , no. 701 (1999).
Budlender, Debbie, and Ian Macun.
Mean and minimum wages in South Africa
Pretoria, South Africa: Statistics South Africa, 2000.
Statistics South Africa, and The Department of Labour.
Survey of activities of young people 1999: Country report on children's work-related activities
South Africa: Statistics South Africa and The Department of Labour, 2001.
The Department of Social Development,.
Building sustainable livelihoods: National overview of all 21 nodes
Pretoria, South Africa: The Department of Social Development, 2008.
Journal Article
Klasen, Stephan, and Ingrid Woolard.
Unemployment, household formation, poverty, and nutrition in South Africa
Report commissioned by the Department of Finance (1998).
Working Paper
Koch F, Steven.
Trends in South African household alcohol consumption risk factors
University of Pretoria, Department of Economics Working Paper Series , no. 2006-19 (2006).
Working Paper
Mani, Subha, John Hoddinott, and John Strauss.
Determinants of schooling outcomes – empirical evidence from rural Ethiopia
Fordham University Department of Economics Discussion Paper Series (2009).
Working Paper
Wilson, Nicholas.
HIV prevention at scale: Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and child mortality in Zambia
Department of Economics Working Papers (2012).
Corporate Author
National Department of Social Development.
Elements of the financial and economic costs of disability to households in South Africa
Working Paper
Aflagah, Kodjo.
Failed promises of a wage subsidy: youth and South Africa’s employment tax incentive
University of Maryland, Department of Economics Working Paper (2020).
Working Paper
Koch F, Steven.
Equivalence scales with endogeneity and base independence
University of Pretoria, Department of Economics Working Paper Series (2021).
Working Paper
Alloush, Mo.
Poverty and engagement with children
Hamilton College, Department of Economics, (2024).
Working Paper
Wright, Gemma.
Socially perceived necessities in South Africa: Patterns of possession
CASASP Working Paper (2011).
Journal Article
Noble, Michael, Gemma Wright, and Lucie Cluver.
Developing a child-focused and multidimensional model of child poverty for South Africa
Journal of Children & Poverty 12, no. 1 (2006): 39-53.
Working Paper
Essop, Hassan, and Eldridge Moses.
Main findings on free basic services from national treasury fiscal incidence report
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 14/09 (2009).
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