Value |
Category |
1 |
1. Working full-time |
2 |
2. Working part-time |
3 |
3. Working full and part-time |
4 |
4. On leave, works full-time |
5 |
5. On leave, works part-time |
6 |
6. On leave, works full and part-time |
7 |
7. Not working |
98 |
98. Refused |
99 |
99. Don't know |
2147483622 |
.a. Don't know |
2147483623 |
.b. Refused |
2147483624 |
.c. Invalid skip |
2147483625 |
.d. Multimention |
2147483626 |
.e. Invalid code |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.