Value |
Category |
13 |
13. NTC I |
14 |
14. NTC II |
15 |
15. NTC III |
16 |
16. Dip/Cert <6months |
17 |
17. Dip/Cert >6 months |
18 |
18. Dip/Cert < 6mos with Grade 12 |
19 |
19. Dip/Cert >6mos with Grade 12 |
20 |
20. Technikon diploma with Grade 12 |
21 |
21. Univ Diploma with Grade 12 |
22 |
22. Technikon undergraduate degree |
23 |
23. Univ undergraduate degree |
24 |
24. Postgraduate degree or diploma |
25 |
25. Other |
98 |
98. Refused |
99 |
99. Don't know |
2147483622 |
.a. Don't know |
2147483623 |
.b. Refused |
2147483624 |
.c. Invalid skip |
2147483625 |
.d. Multimention |
2147483626 |
.e. Invalid code |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.