Value |
Category |
-99 |
Illegal activities |
-5 |
Other |
-4 |
Missing data |
-3 |
Refused to answer |
-2 |
Not applicable |
-1 |
Don't know |
1 |
Traditional leaders or government officials |
2 |
Professionals e.g. lawyers, doctors, teachers, nurses, businesspersons, religious leaders |
3 |
Technicians and associate professionals e.g. traditional healers, midwifes, computers technicians, engineers, social workers, police officers |
4 |
Clerks e.g. secretarial, office admin clerks, tellers, and cashiers |
5 |
Service workers and shop and market sales workers, waiters, models |
6 |
Skilled agricultrual and fishery workers, e.g. farming and fishing |
7 |
Craft and related trades workers, e.g. builders, painters, electrical, sewing, craftsperson (with wood, metal, textile, food) |
8 |
Plant and machine operators and assemblers, machine operators, drivers, factory workers |
9 |
Elementary occupations, e.g. street vendors, hawkers, domestic workers, farm labourers, unskilled labourers |
10 |
Armed forces |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.