Value |
Category |
-99 |
illegal activities |
-4 |
Missing Data / Missing information |
-3 |
Refused to answer |
-2 |
Not applicable |
-1 |
Don't know |
1 |
Traditional leaders or government officials |
2 |
Professionals eg.lawyers/teachers/nurses/religious leaders |
3 |
Technicians/police officers/social worker/midwifes/engineers |
4 |
Clerks eg.secreterial/office admin clerks/tellers/cashiers |
5 |
Service workers & shop & market sales workers/waiters/models |
6 |
Skilled agricultral and fishery workers eg farming & mining |
7 |
Craft and related trade workers eg builders/painters/sewing |
8 |
Plant & machine operators & asemblers,drivers/factory worker |
9 |
Elementary occupations eg street vendors/hawkers/farm labour |
10 |
Armed forces |
11 |
Miner |
12 |
Never worked |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.