Value |
Category |
11 |
armed forces |
111 |
legislators |
112 |
senior government officials |
113 |
traditional chiefs & heads of villages |
114 |
senior officials of special-interest organisations |
121 |
directors & chief executives |
122 |
production & operations |
123 |
other department managers |
131 |
general managers |
132 |
spaza shop owner |
133 |
spebeen operator |
134 |
tavern |
135 |
catering services special codes created |
136 |
letting rooms/taking in borders for informal sector |
137 |
renting of vehicles/articles |
138 |
transport of goods |
139 |
transport of passengers |
211 |
physicists,chemists & related profess |
212 |
mathematicians,statisticans & related profess |
213 |
computing professionals |
214 |
architects, engineers & related professionals |
221 |
life science professionals |
222 |
health professionaals (execept nursing) |
223 |
nursing & midwifery professionals |
231 |
college,university & higher ed teaching profess |
232 |
secondary eduction teaching professionals |
233 |
primary & pre-primary ed teaching professionals |
234 |
special education teaching professionals |
235 |
other teaching professionals |
241 |
business professionals |
242 |
legal professionals |
243 |
archivists, librarians & rel info professionals |
244 |
social science & related professionals |
245 |
writers & creative or performing artists |
246 |
religious professionals |
311 |
physical & engineering science technicians |
312 |
computer associate proffessionals |
313 |
optical & electronic equipment operators |
314 |
ship & aircraft controllers & techinicians |
315 |
safety & quality inspectors |
321 |
life science technicians & rel assoc profess |
322 |
modern health associate profess(except nursing) |
323 |
nursing & midwifery associate professionals |
324 |
traditional medicine practitioners faith healers |
325 |
sangoma (witchdoctor)special codes created for informal |
326 |
muti-seller |
331 |
primary ed teaching associate professionals |
332 |
pre-primary ed teaching associate professionals |
333 |
special ed teaching associate professionals |
334 |
other teaching associate professionals |
341 |
finance & sales associate professionals |
342 |
business services agents & trade brokers |
343 |
administrative associate professionals |
344 |
customs,tax & related gov asso professionals |
345 |
police inspectors & detectives |
346 |
social work associate professionals |
347 |
artistic,entertainment & sports asso profess |
348 |
religious associate professionals |
349 |
stokvel (created for informal sector) |
411 |
secretaries & keyboard- operating clerks |
412 |
numerical clerks |
413 |
material-recording & transport clerks |
414 |
library,mail & related clerks |
419 |
other office clerks |
421 |
cashiers, tellers & related clerks |
422 |
client information clerks |
511 |
travel attendatns & related workers |
512 |
housekeeping & restaurant services workers |
513 |
personal care & related workers |
514 |
other personal services workers |
515 |
astrologers, fortune-tellers & related workers |
516 |
protective services workers |
521 |
fashion & other models |
522 |
shop salespersons & demonstrators |
523 |
stall & market salespersons |
611 |
market gardeners & crop growers |
612 |
market-oriented animal producers & related workers |
613 |
market-oriented crop & animal producers |
614 |
forestry & related workers |
615 |
fishery workers,hunters & trappers |
621 |
subsistence agricultural & fishery workers |
711 |
miners,shotfirers,stone cutters & carvers |
712 |
building frame & related trades workers |
713 |
building finishers & related trades workers |
714 |
painters, building structure cleaners & related trades |
721 |
metal moulders,welders,sheetmetal workers,structural-metal |
722 |
blacksmiths,tool-makers & related trades workers |
723 |
machinery mechanics & fitters |
724 |
electrical & electronic equipment mechanics & fitters |
731 |
precision workers in metal & related materials |
732 |
potters,glass-makers & related trades workers |
733 |
handicraft workers in wood,textile leather & related |
734 |
printing & related trades workers |
741 |
food processing & related trades workers |
742 |
wood treaters, cabinet-makers & related trades workers |
743 |
textile, garment & related trades workers |
744 |
pelt,leather & shoemaking trades workers |
745 |
butcher-special codes created for informal secto |
746 |
sour milk producer |
811 |
mining & mineral processing plant operators |
812 |
metal-processing-plant operators |
813 |
glass,ceramics & related plant operators |
814 |
wood-processing-and papermaking-plant |
815 |
chemical-processing-plant operators |
816 |
power-production & related plant operators |
817 |
automated-assembly-line & industrial-robot operators |
821 |
metal-and mineral-products machine operators |
822 |
chemical-products machine operators |
823 |
rubber-and plastic-products machine operators |
824 |
wood-products machine operators |
825 |
printing- binding-and paper-products machine operators |
826 |
textile-fur- & leather -products machine operators |
827 |
food & related products machine operators |
828 |
assemblers |
829 |
other machine operators & assemblers |
831 |
locomotive-engine drivers & related workers |
832 |
motor-vechicle drivers |
833 |
agricultural & other mobile-plant operators |
834 |
ship's deck crews & related workers |
911 |
street vendors & related workers |
912 |
shoe cleaning & other street services elementary occup |
913 |
domestic & related helpers,cleaners & lauderers |
914 |
building caretakers, window & related cleaners |
915 |
messengers,porters,doorkeeppers & related workers |
916 |
garbage collectors & related labourers |
917 |
scavengers |
918 |
selling goods on street-special codes created 4 informal |
919 |
char |
921 |
agricultural,fishery & related labourers |
931 |
mining & construction labourers |
932 |
manufacturing labourers |
933 |
transport labourers & freight handlers |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.