Francis Wilson Memorial Lecture 2023

of the Western Cape (left) and UCT’s Prof Vimal Ranchhod of SALDRU are congratulated by the late Emer Prof
Francis Wilson’s widow, Lindy Wilson (middle). Photo: Prof Martin Wittenberg.
On 3 July 2023, the University of Cape Town’s Interim Vice Chancellor, together with DataFirst and SALDRU, hosted the first annual Francis Wilson Memorial Lecture. Prof. Sir Angus Deaton's keynote address was on The Politics of numbers: Economists Confront Poverty and inequality and was hosted online. During the lecture, Prof. Deaton spoke about his connection to Francis Wilson and SALDRU, which lasted several decades. He then reviewed various successes and failures of poverty measurement instruments in the United States and worldwide from the 1960s.
After the lecture, the Francis Wilson Memorial Prize for Data-Driven Research winners were announced by Professor Taryn Dinkelman, who chaired the adjudication committee.
The prize for the best article published in a peer-reviewed journal was won by SALDRU’s Professor Vimal Ranchhod (with co-author Dr Miquel Pellicer) for his paper in the Journal of Development Economics, “Understanding the effects of racial classification in apartheid South Africa”.
The student prize for best chapter from a master’s or doctoral dissertation was won by Dr Rifqah Roomaney of the University of the Western Cape, for her thesis, “Burden of multimorbidity in South Africa: Implications for health policy and service delivery”.
Watch the Zoom lecture recording.
Read more about the event, and what Deaton discussed in his keynote address.
Watch the interview with Professor Vimal Ranchhod.